Tuesday 19 November 2013

Insanity - on Pause again !

This is so frustraiting !
I want to complete the insanity program, I need to complete the insanity program.
i have completed the fitness test and day 2.
I strapped my heart monitor on before the day 2 workout, and the results were interesting
max hr of 186  average of 145 and 1546 calories burned.
Wow thats a hard workout.
Before i could start day 3 a mishap at my parents house involing a very large fridge and 2 inept delivary men has resulted in me pulling a muscle in my calf.
So whilst my body is on repair duty no Insanity, unless i can find a workout that doesn't require the right leg.

Hopefully not for long though, i want to get back into it whilst i have the motivation.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Insanity Fitness Test

With my Insanity workout due to start on Monday I took the opertunity today to complete the fitness test.

Pen ready, Tracker ready, Water Ready Towel Ready, press play ........

The fitness test starts with a warm up.
My tee shirt is off before the warm up is over.

1. Switch Kicks - 94
2. Power Jacks - 50
3. Power Knees - 72
4. Power Jumps - 32
5. Globe Jumps - 9
6. Suicide Jumps - 10
7. Push up Jacks - 16
8. Low plank Oblique. - 54

Looking at my results, it looks like my a6w routine I completed in the summer worked wonders for my ABS. and the cycling has worked well for the legs, my arms and upper body look like they need some assistance.

after the test it dawned on me I should have strapped my heart monitor on, oh well next time .

Roll on Monday !!!!

Thursday 14 November 2013

Countdown to insanity

Just a quick update,
due to a diy mishap last week i have put back the start of my insanity workout by a week.
i am hoping to start on Monday 18th November and i will be doing the fitness test this Saturday, I will post the results on Saturday however bad they are.
Thanks for bearing with me, but good times are ahead, Stay Tuned !!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Count Down to Insanity

9 Days

A friend from work wants someone to do the Insanity work out with him,
Challenge accepted, I have set a start date of Nov 11th.
how long will I be able to keep it up ?
only one way to find out !!!