Saturday 16 November 2013

Insanity Fitness Test

With my Insanity workout due to start on Monday I took the opertunity today to complete the fitness test.

Pen ready, Tracker ready, Water Ready Towel Ready, press play ........

The fitness test starts with a warm up.
My tee shirt is off before the warm up is over.

1. Switch Kicks - 94
2. Power Jacks - 50
3. Power Knees - 72
4. Power Jumps - 32
5. Globe Jumps - 9
6. Suicide Jumps - 10
7. Push up Jacks - 16
8. Low plank Oblique. - 54

Looking at my results, it looks like my a6w routine I completed in the summer worked wonders for my ABS. and the cycling has worked well for the legs, my arms and upper body look like they need some assistance.

after the test it dawned on me I should have strapped my heart monitor on, oh well next time .

Roll on Monday !!!!

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