Sunday 4 May 2014

The Fat bloke returns

Hey there people,
I have been away for a while so a quick update,
I have been naughty and been eating badly, this has resulted in a weight gain !!! But this is not as bad as it first looks, let me explain why ...
2 months ago I started a new job, the allure of a 25% pay rise and revised hours was just too great.
My new position involves me spending a large part of my day on my feet, it is also 5 miles from my home, my previous job was just over a mile. I therefore am cycling 5 times the distance.
My commute requires me to ride along country roads up and down hills and constantly playing dodgems with the cars (why cars see the need to force their way past, instead of waiting for 10 seconds is totally beyond me), my ride on day one took 24 minutes, which at the time I thought was pretty good, 8 weeks on my time is down to around about 18 minutes, with a personal best of 16 minutes flat.
Since everyone of my rides is tracked a look at the data reveals that if I took the best times of each section I could in theory achieve a time of 14m38s game on.
Back to the weight gain - I have gained an inch and a half on each thigh with the increase in muscle, so I haven't put any fat on just muscle, which I don't object to at all.

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