Wednesday 9 October 2013

Primal Diet

Day 3 of the primal diet  I decided on the primal diet instead of the full paleo (I like milk in my tea and coffee), and I have failed and cheated, I had a slice of cake for a double birthday celebration at work today, but its just a little set back, tomorrow will be a new day and I will get back on track.
Although I thought it would be a nice cake it made me feel bloated, the sugar gave me an instant high, but an hour later I had crashed, and felt really tired. and craved the rest of the cake.
maybe Mark Sissons the primal blueprint was right, (exert below)

Ingesting grains (yep, even whole grains, as we’ll discuss in detail in Chapter 5), legumes, and other processed carbohydrates causes blood glucose levels to spike (both simple and complex carbs get converted into glucose—at
differing rates—once they enter the body; we’ll use the accurate term blood
glucose to convey what many call blood sugar). This spike is a shock to your
primal genes, which are accustomed to natural, slower-burning foods. Your
pancreas compensates for this excess of glucose in the bloodstream (a condition that is toxic and can quickly become life-threatening, as experienced by
diabetics) by secreting excessive levels of insulin. While insulin is an important hormone that delivers nutrients to muscle, liver, and fat cells for storage,
excessive insulin released in the bloodstream causes glucose to be removed so
rapidly and effectively that it can result in a “sugar crash”: mental and physical
lethargy and (because the brain relies heavily on glucose to fuel it) a strong
craving for quick replacement energy in the form of more high-carbohydrate
food. This leads to a vicious cycle of another ill-advised meal, another excessive insulin response, and another corresponding blood glucose decline.

I would recommend reading Marks book to everyone, it is a real eye opener, and after todays experiment I am a total convert.

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