Saturday 5 October 2013

Paleo ?

I have been battling with weight loss since April when I decided that enough is enough and have gone from 240 lb + down to 179 lb but have reached a plateau, I have been doing a lot of reading this weekend and came across the Paleo diet and realised that I have been following it at about 60% -70% I have decided that I am going to take the plunge and jump in with both feet from Monday, I will follow 100% for 30 days and see if this kick starts the weight loss again, this maybe a little obscured as I have started a 50 press-ups in 30 days routine this weekend, but this shouldn't effect the outcome as I will measure body fat as well as weight.
What is the Paleo diet ?
The Paleo Diet is an effort to eat like we used along time ago,  and by a long time ago I mean . If a caveman couldn’t eat it, neither can I.
 Our Ancestors, Homo-Sapiens were hunter-gatherers. As they became REALLY good at hunting
and gathering our bodies adapted to that lifestyle over thousands of years.
during the agricultural revolution, our diet has shifted (but our genetics haven’t).
So, instead of loading up on meat, vegetables and seasonal fruits, we’ve become a species “dependent” upon grains—bread, pasta, rice, corn, and so on.
66% of us are overweight, 33% are considered obese, and those numbers are only getting worse.
Clearly something’s not right.
The Paleo Diet is an effort to go back to eating how we’re biologically designed to eat, allowing us to tap into our genetic potential and start living healthier immediately.
Since my wife tells me I am a bit of a caveman anyway this shouldn't be to difficult.
I will post bi-weekly updates as I go so I can see if there is any difference between this and the diet I am currently following.
Wish me luck !

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