Sunday 20 July 2014

Find the time.

The most difficult thing about getting fit and being healthy is the negativity forced upon you by Everyone else.
You have it set in your mind that you will eat well and exercise, But what happens then?
Outside influence kicks in and ruins your plans, I have seen so many motivational quotes, the problem with these is they have the opposite effect, let me explain
one particular quote I have read said, " an hour workout is 4% of your day don't make excuses"

Yes an hour is only 4% but in a 24hr day, take out the 8 hours sleeping and 8 hours working the 2 hours getting to and from work and that hour suddenly becomes 17% of your time take out the other jobs like cooking, housework, shopping, picking the kids up etc and that hour can quickly become 100% of your free time.
This then demotivates you and you end up thinking wow my 4% is all my free time and all I want is to sit and have a cuppa. Supermarkets prey on this promising you more time with shelves packed full of processed foods which only take 90 seconds to cook, yes they are a nutritional nightmare but the only take 90 seconds.

This is only part of the problem, the world isn't geared to people getting healthy, the media is full of miss information. The change 4 life program being forced on our kidsat schools in the UK is a prime example.
our kids are being told that fat is bad, meat is bad, eggs are bad, sugar is bad, and so on  This gives me a major headache trying to get my kids to eat anything that isn't processed. Their simple answer is "take a vitamin tablet".

Having a family is also a massive demotivator,  if I make a suggestion like  Lets go out and ride a bike, I get met by so many negative comments that it ends up never happening.
If I start to exercise it's met with, what are you doing that for, why aren't you helping the kids? why isn't my dinner ready? when are we going to eat? the kids need to go to bed soon.

But there are answers .....
The first one is simple, incorporate exercise into you daily routine, cycle to work, take the stairs not the elevator, dance with the vacuum cleaner and duster, walk to the shops, not only will the walk do you good, carrying the bags back is good strength exercise, Calf raises when your cooking, place the remote out of reach, That's a lot of cardio and exercise
Educate your children, children learn by imitation, it's how they learnt to walk and talk, therefore it follows if you exercise your children will too, if you eat well, your children will too.
Plan meal's, Cook fresh when you can, by using single ingredient foods with a good variety, vitamin tablets become redundant. Yes it might take more than 90 seconds but make eating an event, Eat as a family, you can catch up with the kids, catch up with events and enjoy your family, I have taken it one step further, for one day a week we have family night, a technology free night, no computers, no mobile phones, just family time, we have had a games night, one of my boys is remarkably good at Cludo, we have had a park night, walking to the park and letting the boys play for hours and having a kick around, in fact whatever the boys want to do - it's their choice.

Make plans to get fitter with friends, its proven that if you do something with other people you will be more motivated, you are less likely to let other people down than just yourself.

Most importantly remember do something!  Even 5 minutes is better than nothing.

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