Tuesday 1 October 2013

what is healthy ?

Reading through my previous posts and a heated discussion with a gentleman in the USA, it got me thinking, What is healthy ?
The comment that started the discussion was, why are you changing your lifestyle ?
To be Healthy ? this has very little to do with weight or fitness.

Let me justify this comment, I think that that being healthy means eating well, living well and not being ill every five minutes. I know this is different to other peoples ideas of healthy but why ?
the point of view from my American friend was Skinny = Healthy period.

I disagree with this, look at the picture to the right and tell me with convictions that she looks and indeed is healthy !
 She has very low body fat that's for sure, but she also has almost no muscle mass, and obviously not much in the way of a healthy diet.

Does large muscle mass and low fat mean good health ? low fat ?  I would say no look at the picture bellow, in my opinion the nicest looking are 15% for the male side and 25% for the women, which by coincidence is right in the middle of the healthy range according to the ACE.. (American Council on Exercise )

  Large muscle mass ?  I ask why? although I would like to be slightly more toned I don't really need to be bigger, in my day to day life I can't remember thinking I wish I had bigger muscles, I wish I was stronger. I can understand that professional athletes train hard to reach the top of their profession or chosen sport, but why does the average Joe need massive muscles, if you ride or run the your muscles will develop as far as they need to, if you ride or run fast they will get bigger to compensate, but pounding weights at the gym for hours just to increase mass just for the sake of muscle in my opinion isn't healthy.

So in the context of my original comment to be healthy eat a well balanced diet, that is one that covers all food groups without the use of supplements. Live well, that is Don't smoke, Don't drink, get plenty of sleep and exercise, As a consequence your illness levels will be lower but most importantly ENJOY life Smile and have Fun.

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