Sunday 15 September 2013

Doctors Visit.

During a weekend at home, with the wife working. I spent the weekend sat on the sofa, Every time I stood up I found myself getting light headed for a few seconds. A quick self diagnosis and I thought low blood pressure.
since I had the heart monitor I hooked it up and sat down. it explained a few things.
My resting heart rate had fallen from about 70bpm to an average of 43bpm.

I decided a visit to my doctor was in order just as a precautionary measure. An appointment was made for Monday evening straight from work, I had 6 minutes to get from work to the surgery, tight but achievable since it was just over a mile from work.

I made it with seconds to spare and went straight in to the consultation room. I explained the symptoms and the doctor agreed, out came the sphygmomanometer and my blood pressure measured. I explained that since I had just cycled a 6 minute mile it would probably be high.
The result 105/65 at a pulse rate of 50 bpm.  The doctor looks at my records and asks last time we measured your blood pressure it was 140/90 what's changed ?

Well where do I start !!

1. I have given up smoking
 I was a secret smoker, I gave up 16 weeks ago, I knew that being determined on a strict diet I wouldn't reach for the snacks and put weight on, so it seemed like an ideal time to quit.

2. I have lost approaching 4 st
my diet has considerably changed.

3. I am exercising instead of sitting on my arse.

the doctor explained that the blood pressure and pulse rate were due to these changes
my lungs were double the efficiency without the cigerettes so I didn't need to pump as much blood to receive the same levels of oxygen.
I was only pumping the blood round 3/4 of the body mass.
I was getting fitter.

the doc and I had a good chat about the changes as he is a runner. we ended up exchanging recipes and I left with a much better understanding of everything.

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