Friday 8 January 2016

I'm going to do this.

I am going to do this ride even if it kills me.

I have signed up for the ride and started my fund raising I have raised £60 in 3 days so I'm off to a great start.
My training needs to start as soon as possible and since the British weather is so poor and unpredictable at the moment I have invested in a Turbo trainer for the stage one training program. I have also decided that a weight check is in order to see how bad I have been recently so new scales purchased and I was pleasantly surprised to see I am only 13st 5lbs and 25% Body fat, I will admit I was expecting much worse.
The training starts with a vengeance on Monday ! I can't wait.

If any of you would like to help me reach my sponsorship target please click on the just giving button on the sidebar. Many thanks in advance.

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