Monday 11 January 2016


Day 1 of the training started, it's amazing how much fitness I've lost being off the bike for a few months

Friday 8 January 2016

I'm going to do this.

I am going to do this ride even if it kills me.

I have signed up for the ride and started my fund raising I have raised £60 in 3 days so I'm off to a great start.
My training needs to start as soon as possible and since the British weather is so poor and unpredictable at the moment I have invested in a Turbo trainer for the stage one training program. I have also decided that a weight check is in order to see how bad I have been recently so new scales purchased and I was pleasantly surprised to see I am only 13st 5lbs and 25% Body fat, I will admit I was expecting much worse.
The training starts with a vengeance on Monday ! I can't wait.

If any of you would like to help me reach my sponsorship target please click on the just giving button on the sidebar. Many thanks in advance.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Velothon 140

Now the Christmas period is over I have signed up to take part in a 140KM cycle ride, I will be taking part in the Velothon 140 which takes place in South Wales on May 22nd  in aid of Prostate Cancer UK, this charity means a lot to me and my family as my father was diagnosed with advanced terminal prostate cancer early last year, so although things are too late for my father the money will go towards research into finding a cure and advanced treatments for anyone suffering from this disease, if I can help one person the hard work will be worth every second.
 I want to raise as much as I can to help support this great charity.
I know that in the these tough times everyone is not always in a position to be able to, but if any of you can sponsor me no matter how small the donation it would mean a great deal to me. I would really like to achieve the target I have set myself and help make a difference.  
Please help me raise money for this great cause by donating directly to my fundraising page -

Just Giving sends your donation straight to Prostate Cancer UK and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.
Thank you for your support!

Now the training begins.