Saturday 21 September 2013

Runtastic Mountain Bike v 1.3.2

As part of my return to cycling and get fit drive I decided that I should have a record of my exercise, using any of the modern smart phones this is a lot simpler than you could imagine.
Most smart phones have gps and a data connection and with the addition of an app can become a gps tracker and recorder.

Which app ?
there are numerous apps on the market, the best and most popular of these include, Strava, endomondo, cycletrack and runtastic.

I briefly used strava, and endomondo but a chance offer from runtastic meant that I could have access to the pro version of Runtastic free of charge.

The app is available in both the free trial version and the pro version and once installed you can link the app to your Facebook account, this enables you to sign up with ease without spending an age filling in forms.
the app has an installed size of 21.57MB but you can move the app to sd card which saves space on the phone storage.

Using the App.
The app will ask you to switch on GPS if you haven't already enabled it.
You are then ready to go.
press the  start workout button and the pro version asks if you would like to enable live tracking, I always select yes.
a 10 second count down gets you on your way.
the app keeps you updated on your progress at every mile.
telling you how long the mile has taken and what your current pace is, and as a bonus how many Calories you have burnt.

The live map on the lower half of the screen comes in very handy if you are exploring new areas and get lost as the map shows bridal paths and cycle routes.
The app will also pause if you decide that you want a photograph of your ride. photographs will be gps tagged and placed on your map for later viewing.

At the end of the ride the app is stopped by pressing a single button with a secondary conformation encase of accidental button pressing. A summary will be read out and a summary displayed with the option to enter any missing details, I have a stand alone HRM so I can enter these details into the summary and edit any details that are wrong, my HRM differs slightly on the calorie burned value, I use the heart monitor figure since this is the more accurate value since it know exactly how hard I have been riding.

The split table gives information about each mile travelled.

the graph page give a nice line graph of your speed throughout the ride. the shadow show's the extent of the climbs.

The grade page show how much of ride was up hill, downhill and flat, my ultimate aim would be to make the two graphs look the same,

 the final page shows an overview map of the ride with a different colour graph showing speeds.

Since the ride is also tracked live my wife can use the tracking to see exactly where I am, this add's a level of security for me since if I have a fall she can see that if my position hasn't changed for a while there is a good chance that i am on my back in a ditch somewhere ,

once completed the ride is automatically shared with facebook and uploaded to Runtastics web page for later viewing, the screen captures in The Ride section is are from the runtastic web page.

I would highly recommend this app to every rider it works very smoothly on my Samsung Galaxy Note, and gives me the chance to search through all my previous rides to see exactly how my fitness is progressing.

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