Sunday 15 September 2013

An Early Morning

Sat watching tv, my eldest (Nicky) and I were chatting and he expressed an interest in coming on a ride, due to it being a bank holiday and having plans it was decided that an early morning ride was the order of the day.

I lay in bed the next morning waiting for the sun to rise. as soon as I saw the glow of the sun I was out of bed and kitted up, hydro packs filled,

I woke up Nicky. he got dressed and we left, since it was his first ride in a long while we opted for a flat ride, At 5.39am there is little in the way of traffic and we cover 14.21 miles in 2 hrs,
We are home showered and fed before another soul stirs.

1 comment:

  1. I have just noticed the maximum speed on this trace, I know i'm getting faster but i'm not superman
