Thursday 18 September 2014

Road bike

Due to the nature of my commute,  I have been tempted by the dark side -
I have been out today testing road bikes, it's as much of a minefield as mountain bikes and although all of the tech is similar a lot of things are different,  the fit is alot more complicated, and the brakes are truly abysmal compared to the hydraulic discs I'm used to,  I have decided on a Trek which I should have in about 6 weeks once the cycle scheme paperwork is sorted out, there will of course be a review once I am riding it.

Sunday 14 September 2014

materialistic - not me!

A couple of weeks ago a work colleague of my wife's held a BBQ, there were a mixture of work mates friends and family all enjoying themselves.
The host did his usual trick of handing the cooking over to me, I don't mind as it means I can decide who gets the best cuts of meat and who deserves the smallest portions.
One particular driver who also happens to be the sales manager, is a well spoken gent who can hold an intelligent conversation. Before long the conversation had turned to technology, he boldly stated I have an iPhone 5 and my name is down for the 6 because I am very successful, my response to this was what a load of crap. I don't judge people on their possessions, he then went on to say that he drives a nice new car again making him a success, to prove my point I asked what car he thought I drove, he looked me up and down and then replied, I think you drive a BMW of a Mercedes, he was quite shocked that I actually drive a people carrier, and an old one at that, Why the hell do you drive one of them?, well I replied because I don't need to drive a flash car to fortify my status,
Why not? he asked, I explained that life is far more primal than being materialistic.
Think of us as a wolf pack and things make more sense, at the top there is the Alpha, this is the top dog the leader of the pack, he's there because he is the strongest, the best hunter, or the most sociable  just below him is the Beta, this is the second in command, he follows the Alphas orders but gives the orders to the Omegas, these are the rest of the pack.
Translate this to the human world and this translates to the Alpha this is the business owner, the Beta is his manager and the Omega's the workers.
Which one are you he asked, None of them I answered, to every pack there is the lone wolf, the wolf that is every bit as strong as the alpha, will follows orders when he needs to will lead when he needs to and isn't afraid to get his hands (paws) dirty, this is me I said, I don't care what you drive, I don't care if you have an iPhone, I don't care if you wear a suit to the beach, I will make my own mind up usually within a few minutes.
I will take control of a situation, I will guide those who are lost, I will teach people.
I will help people in need, I will help the old lady across the road when others walk by, I will change the tyre of a stranger, i will give a cup of coffee to  homeless person, I will give up my jacket to a cold friend.
And what is your reward he asked
I don't do it for praise or reward the act itself is reward enough because that is just the who I am.
That just makes you a do gooder he laughed.
not at all I replied it's not all goodness, I will fight, argue, and defend myself my friends and family when the need arises. That is why I have been banned from parents evenings, for educating the teachers lol, why I broke a bone in my hand, defending friend.
I guess that makes you a true alpha then, one that has earned his position, have you made up your mind about me yet? - yes I have, you are a Beta at best.
Quite deep for a BBQ but it made for an interesting evening.